
濟寧祥瑞工程機械有限公司 服務熱線


質量保證 優質服務 務實創新

       濟寧祥瑞工程機械有限公司(國家高 新技術企業:GR202237000253),成立于2013年11月25日,坐落于“孔孟之鄉”、“運河之都”的山東省濟寧市經濟技術開發區匯祥路2號,本公司產業園區占地面積200畝,致力于研發、生產和銷售各類多功能高空作業車、高空作業車、混凝土攪拌運輸車、多功能道路吸塵車、吸污凈化車、蜘蛛吊等專用車輛。

      本公司于2022年12月獲得國家高 新技術企業認證,在國家重點支持的高 新技術領域內,持續進行研究開發與技術成果轉化,形成企業核心自主知識產權,自2013年起,先后取得多項國家實用新型專利和發明專利;本公司以科技創新為主體,以市場為導向,積極研發,不斷推陳出新開發立項、研制成功36種專用車型,并通過2022年度科技型中小企業認定。



      Jining Xiangrui Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd. (National High tech Enterprise: GR202237000253), established on November 25, 2013, is located at No. 2 Huixiang Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Jining City, Shandong Province, known as the "hometown of Confucius and Mencius" and the "capital of canals". The company's industrial park covers an area of 200 acres and is committed to researching, developing, producing, and selling various types of multi-functional aerial work vehicles, aerial work vehicles, concrete mixing and transportation vehicles, multi-functional road vacuum cleaners, sewage purification vehicles, spider cranes, and other specialized vehicles.

      Our company obtained the National High tech Enterprise Certification in December 2022. In the high-tech fields supported by the state, we continue to conduct research and development and transform technological achievements, forming our core independent intellectual property rights. Since 2013, we have obtained multiple national utility model patents and invention patents; Our company takes technological innovation as the main body, market orientation, actively researches and develops, constantly innovates and develops projects, successfully develops 36 special vehicle models, and has been recognized as a technology-based small and medium-sized enterprise in 2022.

      Our company has gradually won the market with its strong accumulation in the industry, as well as advantages in research and development technology, quality, and service. The various products of the Xiangrui brand have been widely used in engineering construction and environmental construction in various fields such as commercial concrete, construction, municipal, environmental sanitation, rail transit, tunnels, gardens, electricity, and water conservancy at home and abroad, and have created good economic and social benefits. Our company has established long-term strategic partnerships with vehicle chassis manufacturers such as China National Heavy Duty Truck Group, Dongfeng Group, Shaanxi Automobile Group, Dayun Group, Foton Group, Wuzheng Group, Tangjun, and Yuejin. All vehicles leaving the factory undergo strict vehicle testing and professional quality inspection, and our product quality has won the trust of our customers.

      Our company adheres to the spirit of "integrity, pragmatism, and innovation", with the aim of "striving for excellence and providing comprehensive and excellent services" to provide customers with excellent products, technologies, and services in the industry. Fully meet the diverse customization needs of customers and create greater social value for the specialized vehicle industry.

聯系我們 / CONTACT





Jining Xiangrui Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd

Mobile phone: 400-609-7776

Address: Yadong Heavy Industry Industrial Park, No. 2 Huixiang Road, Jining Economic Development Zone, Jining City, Shandong Province

Website: www.ofooo.cn

版權所有:濟寧祥瑞工程機械有限公司          備案號:魯ICP備13031120號-1     公示信息
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